I want more for you,
because I want more
for this world. 

In the world I envision, we are human in everything we do - in the way we live, in the way we lead, in the way we work, in the way we interact and in the way we build our organizations.

I believe this will only become reality when both men and women are at the leadership table, shaping the world together and supporting one another. 

We need more women playing big to create a more compassionate world, which is why I crafted a (Wo)manifesto for every ambitious woman out there, myself included.  


We lead the way we want to be led.

We choose courage over fear.

We do what makes our hearts sing. 

We show up as our true selves.

We challenge the status quo.

We take risks.

We trust our intuition.

We use our voice to inspire change.

We let go of needing to be perfect.

We dare to share our ideas and perspectives. 

We set boundaries.

We love the work in progress that we are.

We support other women and lift each other up.

We work through the resistance because, deep down, we know we’re worth it!


On a mission

I want for you to believe in your power, become infinitely more confident as a woman, value your unique brilliance, and get out of your comfort zone so you succeed at a much bigger level.

“To be brave is to forsake all others to be true to yourself. That is the vow of a confident girl.”

Glennon Doyle in her book Untamed